"Fuck bitches. Get money. Fuck bitches. Get money", is what is said over and over by Alan Edward and his older brother as they stand in a downtown Jersey City apartment. Standing upright, with one arm to his side, and the other arm cocked ninety degrees, swaying back and forth, Alan Edward recites this mantra over and over. One would think that an artist as unaccomplished as Alan Edward is, he would maintain more of a soft-spoken lifestyle, but this average man lives only on two levels: hard and cocky.
Temporarily residing in New Brunswick, NJ, Alan Edward's life, for the last two and a half years have consisted of liquor, cigarettes, and art. "If you asked me when I started my senior year of high school, that I'd be doing this. . . I'd pretty much just laugh". Intending on being a nurse, Alan Edward took a different route towards life when he was rejected by every school he applied except Mason Gross School of Arts at Rutgers University. Alan Edward has geared his life as he calls it "towards a permanent hardship". His smile, though refreshing and attractive, offers a different level of confidence not seen in other artists.

"I honestly believe that no one on the corner has a swagger like me". Appropriating a line from M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes", Alan Edward takes a drag from his cigarette and talks some more. "The thing is, other than my demeanor, I spill something more out. People talk about artists like Yves Klein being a magician or Piero Manzoni being a prankster artist, but I feel like I am a living art piece". Alan Edward sits up right and beings showing us drawings, and journal entries, talking in fast and combining sentences to make words, only pausing for puffs of his cigarette. "My thougts, my blueprints, everything, is an extension of my mind, an extension of my personality. People try to understand me, that makes me a piece of artwork".

To understand Alan Edward, is to be him, and like the famous portrait of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, he is just as confusing. "I know one day, kids will learn about me. Til that day, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing". People ask what he's doing, some say nothing, and others saying he is on a different plane. Will the art world be accepting to Alan Edward or will he stamp himself with the cliche of "struggling artists". Only time can tell.

Photography By: Ludwig Van
Article By: Juan Sebastian
Hoodie: N/A
Long Underwear: American Apparel
Boots by: Timberland
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Flannel Top: 10 Deep
Jeans: Levis 510
Boots; Timberland
Hat: H&M