There is this room in my house that everyone in my family who has lived here has dubbed "The Cold Room" is what you would think a room looked like where clothes went to die. Before vintage was vintage, this room was a collection of all things that weren't cool circa 2005, or probably whenever the hipster advent took place. But back to my original point, this room is full of clothes. Rubbermaid bins stacked to the ceiling, cardboard boxes fat and bloated from being over packed and random assortments that have not, and will probably never make it to the Home Furnishing section of your local Good Will Store.
Back in high school, I would used to go in there, put on whatever jacket I found ironic enough, and go to school with it on. In this closet of the Cold Room were enough trench coats to make Llyod Dobbler blush, some down jackets that would serve well in the Pochonos during the winter, and some denim jackets that even Kanye West wouldn't wear. But amongst all the acrylic, rayon, wool lined jackets there was gold. I'm not saying I wouldn't wear the other jackets but what I found was incredible.
I loved used leather jackets. I don't have to break them in, the leather is faded in all the right place and part of me prefers the moth ball smell to a used leather jacket over a BWM leather interior leather jacket. I own a few leather jackets, both used, both awesome, and they are each from their own generation, so this find was just as awesome. One is a motor cycle jacket, the other is this vintage JC Penny bomber type deal, and the one I recently found is almost like Eddy Murphy Beverly Hills Cops-esque. I can't really explain it, but I now I'm going to crush it.
I really should have showed you my Christmas presents first because that happened first and my brothers hooked it up with two vintage wingtip shoes, but I could save that for another day. Just check this piece out first. Sorry for it being sideways but you could deal.
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