Sunday, February 15, 2009
Oh New Brunswick
I realized that I need to be more on point with uploading photos. That's why I decided to start using facebook to upload the entire thing together. It's hard putting shit on my blog when I've taken about 200 photos that night. And when I upload them all I cycle through them so I don't have any doubles or just black photos. But these are some of the better pictures of the night. The rest are on facebook. Well about 54 of them. There are more. But ugh, I just hate making albums.

Friday, February 13, 2009
A Long Fast Week
So yeah. That's what this was. A week gone fast but it was so long. I was originally scheming ideas of what to blog about after my last entry, but something happened so sudden on Monday.
Rest In Peace Lola. Lola means grandmother in my native tongue. It's what I've called her forever. It's pretty awesome because her name is Lolita. It's like a toddler not being able to pronounce a name and cutting it short. But yeah, my grandmother passed away on Monday so I've been preoccupied. No time for school, no time for nothing.
I know this has been said alot, but I think it's funny how people mourn deaths, when it should be a celebration of life. I say that because my grandmother had ten daughters. Each of whom was a mother to the one born after. Damn, raising ten dollars is a feat, but it doesn't get too hard when you have daughters helping the bringing up of a little sister. It isn't hard at all. And when you get older, they return the favor.
I know none of this will make any really sense. It doesn't make much sense to me, but I've been looking for ways to put my feelings into words. I used to be so bitter about my grandmother's situation. So so bitter. Bitter because she needed more nurturing than I did. Bitter because she took up more of my mother's time. Bitter because she was the reason why my mom wasn't there to see me off to prom, to be there with me when I turned 18 and to celebrate me graduating highschool. Bitter because my mom worked odd jobs because she constantly needed to be around for my grandmother.
To be completely honest, I didn't know my grandmother alot when I was a kid. She wasn't around. I had my grandfather. And even though my grandfather was in a wheelchair, I didn't need anything else. We entertained each other. When my grandmother got sick, she was around more. I got to know her more. I entertained her. I made her laugh. I made her smile. She had a such a lovely smile. Had I known what I was missing out on for so long I would have asked my mom to bring my grandmother over more, when she was healthy, when she could drive her own car.
I remember when she tried to teach me how to play piano. I lost patience, and when I look back on it now, I feel like that outlined my entire relationship with my grandmother. I was always looking patience. I was so selfish, and I'm sorry. I lost patience when she got sick, regardless of always being able to make her smile, I lost patience because I felt like she was holding everything back. I'll always be sorry. I love you lola. I love you so much.
In the end, life continues on. Family will continue to grow to greater lengths. I'm sorry lola you didn't live long enough to see your first grandchild get married or to see the birth of your first great grandchild. I'm sorry that I wasn't more supportive when you health was failing. I'm sorry I only visited you once in your final months. I'll always remember you with a smile on your face so I couldn't bear to see you in that condition. Lola, I love you.
You will be missed. You will be remembered. And if by some chance someone doesn't want me up there with you, put in a good word for me.
P.S. I'll probably never be an actor in the Philippines, but I can sure as hell promise you that I will be famous, and I'll see your smile in the clouds.
I love you lola, rest in peace.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Ink Drawings.
The trouble I have been having as an artist has not been some sort of mental block. It was due to the fact that I have been getting lazy as fuck and not producing. If I were to have any New Years resolution, it would be to pump out more work. I don't care if a month has gone by, I'm going to continue this.
I'm just going to keep drawing random things from my subconscious or just things that I find interesting or funny. Fuck composition or proportion or this or that. I'm letting this be fun.

I'm just going to keep drawing random things from my subconscious or just things that I find interesting or funny. Fuck composition or proportion or this or that. I'm letting this be fun.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
the year to come
2009 just got a little older and winter just got a little bit longer. Yup, little Punxsutawney saw his shadow on groundhog day and promised us more winter and a longer recession. But 09 still bears quite a lot and musically it's not looking good. With things like Lil Wayne's "Prom Queen" in the number 2 spot on iTunes and people who call themselves Lady GaGa making us move, can we expect anything real? What happened to 2 years when "Bamboo Banga" had us drunk and grinding and Justice put out "D.A.N.C.E" and inspired us to get another glass? There is one good thing out there though. This video has been up on YouTube for about a month now, I first saw it on
This HOMELESS BUM has single handedly sung and beat boxed a better composition than any T-Pain, The Dream or Chris Brown song from 2008. Fuck it, 2007 included.
my prediction? homeless dudes are coming up in 09, no lie.
This HOMELESS BUM has single handedly sung and beat boxed a better composition than any T-Pain, The Dream or Chris Brown song from 2008. Fuck it, 2007 included.
my prediction? homeless dudes are coming up in 09, no lie.
Some People Love Horror Movies

I love Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. With the live action G.I. Joe movie on its way, let me say one thing: You should have got JCVD to choreograph the fight scenes, well atleast any fight involving Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It would have been real.
JCVD is timeless. I think at one point, one of his movies inspired you to do what he did in it. When I was four years old, my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I responded with "A Kickboxer". I was a year old when that movie came out, and when I was four I had constantly watched it. There was nothing more I wanted to do but wrap my hands in rope, dip it in molasses or some shit, then follow it with broken shards of glass. That is the most gangster way to fight in my opinion.
I remeber chillin in my briefs doing the form that Tong Po would do after a fight. When I sparred with my brother I would slap my knees, elbows, hands and head to signify I was going to use all parts to lay a smack down. When I entered karate (yes hipsters do Karate. It's not as physical as any other martial art, that's why), I wanted to be able to do a spin kick like good ol' JCVD. Dude got hang time on his kicks. He knew what was good.
This has nothing to do with hipsters, but it's a shot out to my childhood hero. He kicked Tong Po's, Chong Li's, and Andrew Scott's ass. I bet you don't even know who Andrew Scott is. Speaking of that movie, I even remember wanting to be a reincarnated Vietnam Vet and having super human strength. GULLY.
What a true Martial Artist you forever will be, JCVD.
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