Early in the morning I kept you updated, now I think it's time to say what I've really been up to.
So school has been out for two weeks now, I think, and all I've been doing really is working. Since coming back to Jersey City I've put in about 40+ hours of work at two different jobs combined. I'm interning at Mighty Healthy, doing some small marketing, and taking pictures of their Fall line, it's fucking ill. I'm going to convince all to cop once it drops. LOL rhyming. And at night I work at American Apparel. . . again. It's an easy job really, that's why I went back. I'm in the Flat Iron store this time, which is 10x easier, and busier.
Since turning 21 I've only been drunk once, and that was on my birthday. Well mainly the eve of, but it went into my birthday. I was puking most of that day. The day OF, I had like two drinks. Once with the family, at my birthday party with them. Which I would say doesn't really count because I drank there even before I turned 21. And then I had a drink with Phil at a bar in New Brunswick.
I've moved out of my one apartment in Rutgers on Memorial Day. That is how I spent it. Loading and unloading like I'm in a Rambo movie. It went by quick, and I finally realized that I have too much shit. I need to condense that piece or something. It's getting ridiculous. On June 1st, I have to go to my new apartment at Rutgers and unload the stuff I have into it, as well as drop off my first month's rent. The new place is so sick. We got the entire house, a full basement and two bathrooms, one of which has a biday. NO MORE WIPING MY ASS. Just kidding, I don't need that shit to get itchy. But yeah, Tom is going to be my roommate again, and we're gonna kill it. Get a Sega Genesis or something and play NBA Jam all day everyday. We're also going to set up a little mini office in the spare room and do work in there. It's going to be a lot of fun.
I have weekends off at both jobs, so I'm going to try and do my art during then. I get home a little before 12am every night so it's hard to do anything else besides check out my facebook, look at porn and hit up my PSP, which I finally started using again after a year. The summer is going by pretty quick but yet slowly as I've feel like I've been removed from school for mad long. It's going to be June soon, and knowing how these four years have been moving. September will be flashing her titties in my face pretty quickly. One more year left of school. I'm also using my summer planning that out as well.
I'd like to keep you guys, and by guys I mean the 6 followers I have, updated with some picture material, but that will have to be brought up at a later date. I need to find models I can work with at night and I need to get a fatter memory card and learn how to use RAW files. Just stay tuned. Something is bound to turn up.