I do.
Ever since I discovered the nikon 35mm DX lens (see previous post), I really can't justify spending more than 200 dollars on something that has no other function than looking cool (i.e. clothing), but since seeing Nikes latest SB collection (although still reaching), I have to say that I am kind of impressed, and yet I STILL can't justify spending more than 60 dollars on a pair of shoes. Back in my hypebeast days I would drop loot for a pair of Nikes, but those days are behind me, even though I feel them creep up on my sometimes, mainly during the summer though when I have a job and NYC closer.
But with that, I have to say that I am impressed with two of Nike SBs summer releases. The blue lobster dunk (June, top) and the Miss Piggy's (July, bottom).

I could do without the table top insides of the lobsters but they are dope. The colors are consistent and same with the Miss Piggy's. There are no abrupt color shifts in either of them, and that is what I've missed from the Nike SB series since the pink box days.
What I am also feeling are older generation digital cameras. Digital cameras don't work like film, where as in the digital world, the older the camera, the WAY obsolete it is. In film, cameras last forever and are easy to repair. My suggestion would be that people start finding out ways to make digital cameras timeless rather than having time bombs put in them upon it's making. But like they say, it's not the camera it's the person behind it that matters.
For a few weeks of the summer, and by few I mean the beginning of July, I've desperately wanted a back up camera, and only because I got a lens which can't autofocus on the camera I have now. Don't get my wrong, the camera I have been using for almost a year is a beauty, and once I get my memory card situation worked out I'm gonna start shooting in raw, but I need something else to take out. Photographers I've seen, like photographers that make a living with a camera always carry two cameras, each with their own lens. One telephoto and one wide angle. I just want what they got. So I'm not gonna ball out and by something new, I'm gonna buy something that has the same quality as the camera I have now, but more rugged and can take more of a beating.

I'm gonna cop in the near future (by future I mean this weekend probably), and take it with me if I go down the shore with my brothers and cousins. I just wanna strap it with a 50mm and take pictures of all the people I see. And with my other camera, I want to have something that goes frm like 18-200mm, or maybe 135. I don't know, but having two cameras would make it easier to switch with what I need rather than having to load and unload. granted uploading pictures will be more of a hassle but so what. Art is painful.
(Art is Painful)