Friday, July 10, 2009

The Award Tour

I gotta give them props because they are young kids doing their thing in an old market. I don't see many brands labeled made by 19+ year olds out in the market, because honestly, it's fuccking hard. Working at Pro-Keds and now Mighty Healthy showed me that there is more than just putting an image on a t-shirt. But these kids are trying and they get press on HypeBeast, so they are doing something right. I saw their look book on's website, and I thought it was alright, the clothes I mean, the look book could have been done waaaay better for the money they paid IMO. My only question is, what the fuck is a kid with a DC shirt on doing in this one picture?

I just find it hilarious that one random white boy is wearing a shirt not part of the brand in the look book, that's all.

this post was made on Safari, so you won't be able to click to enlarge I think. To check out the rest of their shit go to under fashion.

btw UFC 100 is tomorrow so, LETS GO GSP!

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