I can't seem to find these fucking Nike Terminators ANYWHERE, so I am going to compensate by getting a pair of nike "Vintage" blazers. See below. I go on these fucking highs where I absolutely REALLY want something and when I can't get it, I settle for the next best thing and get something SORT of like it. Only these aren't like it at all! But they will do. I have a pair of Blazers already but they are big and ugh, I don't know, kinda lame.
But yeah. I am trying to consolidate my shoedrobe to some boots, some sneakers and some shoes. Limit it under 20 would be nice. I have a good idea which I am taking back to school with me, and which I am leaving. ALOT of what I'm leaving. I also gotta go through sizes, because now that I think about it, I shouldn't have got a shit load of sneakers in a size 12.
Mad indecisive with your shoe game, son!
sorry if this is a little out there, or if it doesn't help at all, but did you try pickyourshoes.com?
i know they generally sell out, well, a lot, but they usually always have what i'm, or someone else is looking for.
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