Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Buicks Are Gudda

Tiger Woods is (was) sponsored by Buick. Tiger Woods is a player (literally and figuratively), but owning a Buick you are one too. That's the thing about these majestic pieces of metal. They are awesome. Now I don't know much about cars, but I know what I like, and the Buick, any model before they started getting way too fancy, like Lexus fancy, is awesome.

Today, as I was walking back home from class, this old guy was backing up out of his driveway. He was in a Buick. As I got behind him, he stopped on a dime. I kind of wish he hadn't because it would have been an honor to be hit by his vehicle. Double the fact that the old man driving it had a fedora on, and I'm pretty sure he was dressed ill too, it would have just made it all the more awesome. Old men drive Buicks, and old men are awesome.

Every time I see a Buick I think that the guy driving it has his life in order. Not a lot of people drive Buicks. They don't think they are cool enough. But when I see a dude in one, I think "That guy doesn't mess around. He chose that stallion to ride and he's sticking with it. Get the fuck out of his way". Buick is regal. Bosses drive Buicks. Fuck Mercedes, Lexus, and BMW.

Bros drive bimmers, women drive Lexus, and Mercedes aint worth the trouble. If you have heavy nuts, or you're a bad ass chick, you hop in a Buick and people stop to let you cross the street.

See this Roadmaster. It's name says it all. Yeah undercovers might roll around in this whip, and that's sick. If I had this, I'd want every mother fucker to slow down and be careful that I'm not an undercover either. It scares people. This is the model that I almost got hit by.

Station wagons are sick regardless of the brand. This station wagon is a station wagon about all station wagons because it is a Buick. Fuck yeah it has wood side paneling. It's not anything to pussy foot around with though. It's a land yacht. It makes excuses for no one, and if a neighborhood knows this bad boy lives on the block it gives it extra space for parking. Shit it deserves to have a drive way. Not because it's big, but because it doesn't fuck around.

And the Buick Grand. Vin Diesel made this kitty purr in Fast and the Furious. It is sick. I don't know how else to fucking describe it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Oldest Brother

I have to older brothers, both of which I can talk to about different things. I have Arnel, my 23 going on 24 year old brother, who I can talk about all things nerdy from comics, to toys, to video games, to porn and hell even to girls. And then I have my oldest brother Eric. He's 28 and I can talk to him about sports, popular cultures, women, relationship problems, food, movies, music and of course clothing. And because this is more of my personal fashion/style blog, I'm going to discuss the latter brother's impact on my style choices, as well as my personal relationship with him. It's an homage I suppose. This takes nothing away from Arnel though as I love and appreciate both of my brothers equally. Eric has affected both of our style choices throughout the years so this is a dedication to him.

Eric was born in late late 1981, I was born mid 1988, we're six and a half years apart, and I'm six and a half inches taller than him (depending on the shoes). Due to the age difference, when we were younger, he was going through his "I'm a teenager, I do what I want" phase, while I was going through my "toys, video games, scraping my knees" phase. Regardless of the age difference, a tell-tale sign of us being brothers was me wanting to do things like him. Mainly in regards to dress, and also in the womanizing area.

Eric moved in with my grandparents early into his high school life based on certain events, so that kind of killed a lot of brother relationship that we'd catch up on, but even when he lived an hour and a half away, we were connected by style. He was going through a ghetto phase. He wore big pants, timberland boots, bubble vests, and fitted hats. Basically looking like 50 cent or a member of Dipset. And because he did that, I did that too. He was popular, he was cool and had friends. I wanted to be those things too. It worked. Plus hip hop was really big then, and everyone did I guess.

As the years went on, he went to college and got more Abercrombied out. This is an area of my brother's style that seemed to not match mine. Granted I was getting his hand-me-downs still, I didn't quite really get into the bro/frat scene. My area of style that didn't match what my brother was doing was my "scene/emo" fashion, which in retrospect was pretty retarded. My last year of high school and first year of college style was pretty dumb actually. I blame girls, and music. Girls and music. But anyway.

Before the whole scene phase I had, Eric started working in high-end retail stores. Specifically Dolce&Gabbana. He started reading GQ, he started giving a damn how he looked pretty much. More now than ever. And this came towards the advent of the "metrosexual", I know he hates that word, but when that word came about, there was no way really to describe him other than "metrosexual". People try and use that word now, but it's stupid and doesn't have the same effect as it did in 2003. But yeah, that's when I stopped wearing jeans four sizes too big for me, and shirts three feet longer than than should be. I went more fitted, granted if I can pull pictures up from that time, I looked sort of stupid. I tried doing my hair like him too. If he wasn't rocking a shaved head like he does now, he did something. Faux-hawk.

I want to skip the whole scene phase I went through because it's pretty embarassing, but there was an area where Eric got really big into sneakers, so I did too. I spent a lot of money I didn't really have on sneakers. I mean he could afford it, he had a job. I had a silly after school job that pretty much went to retarded colored clothing and sneakers. But even when Eric was working at SCOOP NYC, and I was doing dumb emo things like wearing make up, I still saw what he wore and still thought it was cool, and wanted to wear stuff like he did, but I had a girlfriend. And you know. That flew out the window.

So Eric got a job working for Antenna Magazine. He got all this cool stuff, so he shared the wealth. He was rocking Crooks and Castles, and 10 Deep. So I did too. I mean maybe it was because of his job that he did, and maybe he liked it too. He got more shoes, and I got more shoes. He wore fitted hats. I wore fitted hats. It was like follow the leader, or Simon says. But thanks to Mad Men, and the boom boom boom in vintage clothing, and more awareness of fashion photo bloggers like the Sartorialist, Eric's style changed. Clean and cut, the new gentleman.

He has the money to dress as cool as he does. He wants me to dress cool too and will help me out on certain pieces, but because I don't have a full-time job, I can't be as cool. While he sits more on the new gentleman side, I am more on the Buschwick Neo-hipster side. Although, I'd rather just say fuck it and wear suits all the time. I'm still in school and am a hands on student, so I can't get my slacks too dirty. But anyway, I'm digressing.

I actually really don't know where this blog turned. In the end it's an appreciation for my brother's style choices, and how if I had the bankroll to do the same, I would. I mean I don't want to be his clone or anything, but if I lost 30 pounds, I could start wearing his clothes. Don't really know how that's possible considering our height difference, but still.

This is my brother in the white blazer. I don't know who the other schmucks are, but I guess they have reason to have their photo taken.

My brother works with a lot of streetwear dudes, and this is from Slate at the MH booth. He's dressed up, he means business. He could be wearing a t-shirt, fitted hat, and sneakers, but he's not trying to push a clothing line. He's hustling. People take you seriously when you don't look like an asshole.

This is Eric at Christmas. I wore a sports coat, jeans and wingtips, he decides to wear a suit. I ain't mad at that, but I was on point and he was just a point or two better.

I don't know who's wedding this is, I'm not sure if I was alive. But here is Eric in a tuxedo. maybe my dad picked it out. It has tails. It's cool. I don't know how often people would wear tails nowadays when getting a tux, but you can see the swagger being emitted, even at a young age.

Ok maybe style just runs in my family, but after my dad got all fat, and my mom got all slouchy, someone had to carry the torch, and Eric took it upon himself to do that. Sometimes we steal my dad's old clothes because he can't fit in them anymore.

Eric is my brother and best friend. He dresses cool, has a cool job and lives in a cool area in Jersey City. We both come from a working-class family, we're both hustlers. He's pretty much helped me to wear I am now. When I get rich and famous, I guess I can start carrying him on my back.

When I talk about my love for video games and stuff, Arnel's homage will be next.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I wish things were cheaper again

Went through old news papers and saw this ad for a shoe. Granted I don't know anything about the brand, or the making of shoes themselves, but the price always seemed too good to be true. Granted that 20 dollars was a lot back in the 60s, where this ad comes from, and with inflation the price would be the price of shoes now, still, looking at 20 dollars for shoes is so sweet. If I had a time machine I would go back to the 50s and 60s and load up on everything. Bad scan but if you enlarge the picture you can read the shoes description.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Photo Front

I figured I should litter my blog more with photos. so here are more recent ones. You can see the full sized versions at my flickr.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When Vices Were Virtues

While I was bored at work I decided to go through old news papers. And by newspapers I mean the school news paper. I wanted to see what kind of photos were in there, and what the people were wearing back then. Because I wasn't able to get a good scan of any of the film, I looked at the ads. I was looking at the Rutgers Targum back in 1954, and instead of just seeing old college history, I saw sweet old cigarette and beer ads.

The 50's seemed really cool, y'know? People cared how they looked, people smoked and drank freely, it was cooler than the 60's. The only thing I can't really get down with is that I probably wouldn't even be allowed to go to school in America. Remember the whole segregation deal? But if you can look passed that, you'll see that the 50's were pretty sweet. Just watch Mad Men or The Animated Bat Man series where it seems like it takes place in the 50's.

I just absolutely love that these vices were advertised in college newspapers. I mean, I know EVERYONE was smoking, and this probably came way before all the bad stuff came out about cigarettes, but still. These ads are a lot cooler than the ones I see in the school news paper nowadays.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Off Season Football

First off, let me give my congrats to the Saints and the city of New Orleans for their first Superbowl ever. In a way it was a win-win for the Manning family. And with that, I would like to say fuck you to both teams for boring me to tears with the performances they put on the field. But with that being said, thank you to the Steelers and Giants, champions of the past for giving me two back to back excellent games. Mayb

The trophy for the Superbowl is called the Vince Lombardi Trophy. I don't think that does him enough justice. I mean Bill Belichick could have tied the record or IS it a record, so would you have to maybe think of renaming the trophy to the Bill Belichick Trophy? That thought seems redundant, but what I am trying to get at is that to honor Vince I was spoiled and expected better. Now off to my point.e Lombardi and coaches of the past properly, LET COACHES NOW WEAR SUITS. I'm sorry that REEBOK or NIKE don't make suits so that you won't be making any money from licensing, but I'm pretty sure you can hit up Van Heusen or Joseph Abboud and strike up some deal with them to tailor suits for NFL coaches. I mean there are 32 teams, that's only 32 suits, that's less tailoring than an Indian Wedding. THINK ABOUT IT GOODELL.

With suits, the coaches wear team pins and NFL pins. YOU CAN SELL THOSE PINS AT ANY SPORTS STORE! People will by pins. Everyone loves pins. Do you know how classy the side lines will look with guys like Sean Payton or Ken Whisenut running up and down in suits. Screaming curse words and kicking dirt? Look at it this way, the NBA coaches wear suits and they look like fine, stand-up guys. I mean you might need to make EXTRA big suits for guys like Rex Ryan or Tom Cable, but William Taft was a big dude and he was PRESIDENT of the USA for crying out loud. You'll find suits for big guys, don't worry.

When Mike Nolan was coach for the SF 49ers and I think for two weeks he wore a suit, and he was fined by the NFL. Seriously. He was trying to do YOU guys a favor and you fined him. Cool.
This screams tough. Granted the suit might be a tad bit too big, but it screams out bad ass. He's a defensive minded coach too. It's like getting your ass kicked by a guy in a suit. Do you know how cool it is to fight in a suit? I mean, it looks really cool in my head, and in movies. It would look just as fly on the sidelines.

Coaches of yesteryear have looked so fly. So fly it puts most dudes to shame. Vince Lombardi. Just look at him. He's probably thinking "Look at me coach my way to a fucking championship looking dapper as fuck. Oh, in a few years a fat dude will be wearings a sweater vest and a white turtle neck (Rex Ryan). Fuck that". I mean sure you'd need a restriction on how to wear suits. Like a number of buttons, pin stripes, can't be pastel, the lapels need to be a certain width, and so on, just to prevent it from looking like a ghetto prom, but it will be good. It will be extra good for the sport.

The NBA has it's players before and after games in business wear, after games the NFL has the players in business wear. Have the coaches who represent a billion dollar company within a trillion dollar industry wear suits. I can't take a dude seriously who is dressed up like a dad who coaches a Little League Team. THINK NFL.

"Don't think about any gatorade shower you little shits"

So NFL, if you really want to honor Mr. Lombardi, make it a rule that the head coaches need to wear suits. The offensive and defensive guys not so much because they are either in booths or no one really cares, but a Head Coach, next to some of his players are the face of the franchise. Seriously, it would be so fucking cool.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Clarks Wallabees

I don't know the color. Probably a browns beeswax-ish type. It doesn't bother me too much, I paid $2.50 cents from them at the Salvation Army.

I go through phases where I will wear a certain pair of shoes/boots/sneakers for about a month or so. And while it doesn't seem all that unusual, if you were to see the amount of footwear I have, you'd understand. Up until January, I was wearing these vintage knockoff Red Wing boots, but when I got back to my apartment in New Brunswick, I decide to give the Wallabees a little bit of action on the track.

I know this isn't some new revelation or anything, anyone who has a pair of Wallabees can tell you the same thing (especially Ghost Face Killah), but have you ever walked on clouds? Yeah, that's what these feel like. Some people may not agree, but god the crepe sole on these bad boys is to die for. Aesthetically, I like Clarks desert boot more, mainly because I stopped wearing square toed shoes in freshmen year, and after I realized Sketchers and Diesel Shoes weren't cool anymore. But these are awesome, a classic.

I have a heavy foot. Actually I would like to think I have uneven legs do to shitty posture, so when I walk the left side of my shoe fades down, and because I'm flat foot, the balls of my feet on the sole of the shoe start to fade as well. I have been wearing these Wallabees for a good 3 weeks straight now and to my surprise the crepe has been holding up pretty well. So well in fact that I decided to give my chocolate suede ones a ride too. I'm wearing them right now. I don't need to wear my Dr Scholl's inserts in them because they just feel that comfortable when I stand and walk around. And they also give off the illusion that I am two inches taller than I actually am. I've worn them around my family and I feel like a giant next to them.

Seriously, the only knock I can find on these guys is that when I step on a crack or uneven cement on a side walk my ankle will turn in. And I know that should be like a MAJOR thing to worry about, but it's not like it happens all the time. It's more when I'm running. Oh yeah another thing, don't run in these things unless you're trying to get mugged for them, or while in them. These shoes are supposed to make you feel like Jesus and that you're walking on water. There's only a few times where you get to feel like Jesus, and when you have these shoes on, it's one of them.

I prefer the ankle length one. The ones that drop below and look more like no show socks with a plat form I'll say no to. And I'd suggest people say no to as well. I don't know my reasoning for it. Maybe it's the ankle thing, but you get the point. I'll probably never spend full price on them only because I was spoiled greatly by the price I got them for at the Salvation Army. I got my second pair for half off retail too. So yeah. I'm laying in bed wearing these. They have become like slippers.