The trophy for the Superbowl is called the Vince Lombardi Trophy. I don't think that does him enough justice. I mean Bill Belichick could have tied the record or IS it a record, so would you have to maybe think of renaming the trophy to the Bill Belichick Trophy? That thought seems redundant, but what I am trying to get at is that to honor Vince I was spoiled and expected better. Now off to my point.e Lombardi and coaches of the past properly, LET COACHES NOW WEAR SUITS. I'm sorry that REEBOK or NIKE don't make suits so that you won't be making any money from licensing, but I'm pretty sure you can hit up Van Heusen or Joseph Abboud and strike up some deal with them to tailor suits for NFL coaches. I mean there are 32 teams, that's only 32 suits, that's less tailoring than an Indian Wedding. THINK ABOUT IT GOODELL.
With suits, the coaches wear team pins and NFL pins. YOU CAN SELL THOSE PINS AT ANY SPORTS STORE! People will by pins. Everyone loves pins. Do you know how classy the side lines will look with guys like Sean Payton or Ken Whisenut running up and down in suits. Screaming curse words and kicking dirt? Look at it this way, the NBA coaches wear suits and they look like fine, stand-up guys. I mean you might need to make EXTRA big suits for guys like Rex Ryan or Tom Cable, but William Taft was a big dude and he was PRESIDENT of the USA for crying out loud. You'll find suits for big guys, don't worry.
When Mike Nolan was coach for the SF 49ers and I think for two weeks he wore a suit, and he was fined by the NFL. Seriously. He was trying to do YOU guys a favor and you fined him. Cool.

This screams tough. Granted the suit might be a tad bit too big, but it screams out bad ass. He's a defensive minded coach too. It's like getting your ass kicked by a guy in a suit. Do you know how cool it is to fight in a suit? I mean, it looks really cool in my head, and in movies. It would look just as fly on the sidelines.
Coaches of yesteryear have looked so fly. So fly it puts most dudes to shame. Vince Lombardi. Just look at him. He's probably thinking "Look at me coach my way to a fucking championship looking dapper as fuck. Oh, in a few years a fat dude will be wearings a sweater vest and a white turtle neck (Rex Ryan). Fuck that". I mean sure you'd need a restriction on how to wear suits. Like a number of buttons, pin stripes, can't be pastel, the lapels need to be a certain width, and so on, just to prevent it from looking like a ghetto prom, but it will be good. It will be extra good for the sport.
The NBA has it's players before and after games in business wear, after games the NFL has the players in business wear. Have the coaches who represent a billion dollar company within a trillion dollar industry wear suits. I can't take a dude seriously who is dressed up like a dad who coaches a Little League Team. THINK NFL.

"Don't think about any gatorade shower you little shits"

So NFL, if you really want to honor Mr. Lombardi, make it a rule that the head coaches need to wear suits. The offensive and defensive guys not so much because they are either in booths or no one really cares, but a Head Coach, next to some of his players are the face of the franchise. Seriously, it would be so fucking cool.
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