Today, as I was walking back home from class, this old guy was backing up out of his driveway. He was in a Buick. As I got behind him, he stopped on a dime. I kind of wish he hadn't because it would have been an honor to be hit by his vehicle. Double the fact that the old man driving it had a fedora on, and I'm pretty sure he was dressed ill too, it would have just made it all the more awesome. Old men drive Buicks, and old men are awesome.
Every time I see a Buick I think that the guy driving it has his life in order. Not a lot of people drive Buicks. They don't think they are cool enough. But when I see a dude in one, I think "That guy doesn't mess around. He chose that stallion to ride and he's sticking with it. Get the fuck out of his way". Buick is regal. Bosses drive Buicks. Fuck Mercedes, Lexus, and BMW.
Bros drive bimmers, women drive Lexus, and Mercedes aint worth the trouble. If you have heavy nuts, or you're a bad ass chick, you hop in a Buick and people stop to let you cross the street.
See this Roadmaster. It's name says it all. Yeah undercovers might roll around in this whip, and that's sick. If I had this, I'd want every mother fucker to slow down and be careful that I'm not an undercover either. It scares people. This is the model that I almost got hit by.

Station wagons are sick regardless of the brand. This station wagon is a station wagon about all station wagons because it is a Buick. Fuck yeah it has wood side paneling. It's not anything to pussy foot around with though. It's a land yacht. It makes excuses for no one, and if a neighborhood knows this bad boy lives on the block it gives it extra space for parking. Shit it deserves to have a drive way. Not because it's big, but because it doesn't fuck around.

And the Buick Grand. Vin Diesel made this kitty purr in Fast and the Furious. It is sick. I don't know how else to fucking describe it.

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