First Thug Up- Sasha Mitchell. Remember his dumbass, boyish, older brother charm he had on Step By Step? What I all hope you remember is his career in continuing on the legacy of the "Kickboxer". Now he may not have been good as JCVD, but he had the will power to do three of these.

Tong Po. NIgga would EAT your shit and fuck your girl at the same time. He might not even LIKE your girl, but he'd still do it. He played the best mind games and broke all the rules. If he was in the MMA right now, he would been handin' dudes loses left a right. Like Randy. Fuck you. Brock. Fuck you too. Fedor who? Yeah, whatever. Fuck him.

This is how thug this guy is. His name is Dennis. Not just Dennis, but Dennis Alexio. That's like fucking you with a name. He's the baddest dude ever. He can be in a wheel chair and still fuck you up. He got the ill ass gerry curl and the mustache. He's like an 80s Muay Thai Tony Stark. He's a womanizer and the champ.

Now you're all wondering. Where is JCVD? Well, he's hustlin. Doin' work. He's not slackin' a a minute. So really he's not forgotten. A forever thug stayin' on his grind.
So this really has nothing to do with hipsters, but it does. The 1980's was the birth place of the hipster warbrobe. These martial arts movies stars stayed birthin' the ill hipster kits hipsters now rock today.
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