Do you remember when mohawks were a symbol of rebelliousness? For the "degenerates" and "punks" out there, sporting their sleeveless, studded, leather or denim patched up vests that they spent hours upon hours putting together? I don't but for some people, they do.
Mohawks were high, colorful and powerful. Nowadays, unless you aren't wearing zippered plaid pants, 14 eyed Doc Martens or a Black Flag shirt, they are a symbol of douchebaggery. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the asshole in the earth-toned, Hollister across the chest t-shirt frat party-goer or the "cool" dude with the white collar, blue button-down shirt with the cufflinks on at the club. Well I have a message. Enough is Enough.
You're not cool. In fact, you look like a jackass. Please stop it, and rock something according to your age. I can say this because I have dipped my stick into the bag of douche and sported a fauxhawk for some time. Styling your hair like that was cool, like 5 years ago, but we're embarking on the end of a decade, and if you plan of entering that decade in the next 362 days with the same hair style John and Jack are sporting, please refrain. It doesn't make you look cool. It doesn't make you look like a rock star. You are not Cristiano Ronaldo, nor will you ever be David Beckham. So just stop it. You aren't cultured, you are a tool.
For the black dudes who want to "party like a rock star", please don't do it either. Listen, it didn't help Diddy in the NYC marathon when he ran it, it makes Kanye West look like an idiot, and "partying" is all relative. Stop it too.
If you don't know what I am talking about, here is a picture to show you. Clearly this man's t-shirt is just a projection of his own insecurities.

1 comment:
hahaha this is gia. and that made me laugh
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