I for one am more of a fan of his Drive-By series where it is shot with film, and granted they look like everything Terry Richardson will shoot, there is something still alluring about it. Maybe it's the titties, maybe it's the choice of his emaciated models. I don't know. But when I look at the titties I see coming from Driven By Boredom, or any party photo site for that matter, I think trash. Not like purposely done trash, but trying to avoid looking trashy trash. Meanwhile Bronque stuff looks a little more raw, like he's aware of the trashiness, but because of some of the natural light, he's aware that it won't be TOO trashy. I like titties by the way.
He's probably aware of the skills and techniques of photography, but with his style he knows that he doesn't need it. I really can't get over his Drive-By Series. My favorite one is this. Maybe it's the fact that in part of the series, he has the nude model just kind of show off her lack of, or small breasts in a New York City street, or maybe because both parties don't really care. I'm not sure.
I've also noticed that once my blogs reach a certain point, and I haven't made my point yet, I get tired and start rushing it. Whatever. I would have posted some of the pix as an example, fuck it. I just will. These aren't my photos.

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