I'm not writing this blog because he happens to be a friend of my brother, or because I am trying to get into his good graces. I am writing it because his stuff is better than that of the Sartorialist. Now while they may photography two different things, essentially they are all the same. Mr. Scott Schuman goes around taking pictures of what he perceives to be very well-dressed people. Mister Mort goes around and takes pictures of people with great articles of clothing on. The beauty of Mister Mort's models is that they are usually old dudes, and we all know that old dudes wear the sickest shit. For instance, this old dude. He looks like an Old Sherlock Holmes still kickin' it. I mean I could only hope to dress well as this dude. And if I did, it would because I would have bought his stuff from the local Goodwill store after his passing.

A long time ago the Sartorialist used to take pictures of cool people in New York City. Suddenly, homeboy is the biggest thing since sliced bread and he's off in Australia taking pictures of people in swimming trunks that us people here in the cold could give two shits about. It's like, "Cool bro, we have hundreds of people g'd up from the feet up and here you are taking pictures of half naked men and women proclaiming that they are dressed well". That's what made me sick. Everyone knows that fall and winter are the best times to dress because of the different ways of layering. But there that dick is taking pictures of people half naked.
Another thing that I used to admire the Sartorialist for during my naive days was thinking that his photos were merely just like "Hey can I take a picture of you"? Kanye West ruined that for me when he was like "I never had someone take a picture of me and tell me to pose a better way for lighting". This is coming from Kanye West who's posed for magazines a million times before. What an idiot. And another thing. The Sartorialist goes and takes pictures of celebrities like Kanye West. Of course Kanye West dresses well. With the money he has he can have TWO stylists.
But back to Mister Mort. I like the way he goes about things because dude sees articles of clothing people are wearing and seems to be like "yo I like your sweater, can I take a picture of it"? And from what I've heard he doesn't carry around a Canon 5D and ask people to walk around a building for a better lit shot. I men nice and simple is the key. Runways and fashion magazines make for the nicely lit shot. The streets is where it's supposed to look casual, candid and chill. I digress though. The article of clothing stuff. For example,this sweater.

If you just go on MisterMort.com you'll agree with me. The photos he takes is just like "yo picture"? and they almost always seem to be normal people, or just people with the illest shit on that makes you want to go thrifting to find at least one of the pieces you saw on the website. Hell, it might even make you want to kill your old man just to inherit his clothing collection. But my favorite is the perceived realness of the photos and how the people wear and look in the clothing.

Look at this guy, if I didn't know any better I would think he was a bum, the clothing rack in the back makes me think otherwise, but it doesn't take away from what the dude is wearing. If homie was in Washington Square Park I would think he was a bum. The best dressed bum I have seen in my life. There seems to be nothing really sartorial about him at all, just a dude wearing what he likes photographed by someone who appreciates the article of clothing.
Mister Mort, if you're reading this. The Sartorialist sucks and your website is better and more interesting than his. Even if you don't update as frequently.
And on a plus side, homie has me wanting to wear camo pants again.
*pictures from http://www.mistermort.com
oh yeah, its all about camo and cargos. I'm digging all the mcnairy pants.
they are two different blogs. it would be fair to say the sartorialist concentrates on measured photography while mister mort places a greater focus on content and spontaneity. saying one is better than another doesn't seem like constructive commentary to me
Janelle, while you are right in saying that they are two different blogs, both focus on fashion photography with a concentration in the streets. I remember before Mister Mort got his blog up and running the Sartorialist used to do the same thing he did and focus on specific parts of someone's outfit like the socks, gloves or pocket square. His photography used to seem as spontaneous as Mister Mort's. But I guess once you start getting gallery openings and book offers and people, you start to change.
who says change is bad though? I appreciate both for what they are. I think both are great!
... and if mister mort gets book offers / gallery offerings in the future, i would certainly hope he takes them!
I would hope he takes it too. I need a lesson on the vintage clothing, and I think he is certainly up for the job on giving lessons out about it.
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