Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Selby- Alan Edition
The Longest Day
Could be today.
If I didn't get to sleep for 5 hours last night, it would have been a full 24 hours I was awake. I woke up with a shit ton of optimism, since school let out waking up has consisted of just wanting to get through the day. I hadn't seen Kelley in two weeks and I needed her more than a pay day, beer or a cigarette. My aunt passed away, and God bless her soul, and work for me and like everyone else in the world, is stressful. I just needed a break.
That optimism faded away quick as I was dumped, and was forced to make the drive back home in the rain, a mere couple of hours after getting to New Brunswick. Luckily Dan Fig was in town and we hit up the mall, peeped some spots and headed to Jersey City. He needed to meet his shorty in the city and I just wanted to get home. I honestly spent way too much money on unnecessary things today. The grand total would probably be about 45 bucks or something, 75 if you count the 30 I spent in the morning to get my jeans back from the tailor.
I also learned my lesson today in bar debates, not so much on "don't pull random shit out of your ass to save face", but have a smart phone. The way of the future back in the day was seen in teleportation, but scientist made it more practical and teleported shit to you, in the form of bytes. Smart phones made that accessible to you at anywhere, at any time, given the amount of service your telephone provider is giving you. No longer can there be minutes, or maybe even hours, of debating apples and oranges, phones will answer that shit for you. I got beat today, and I had no facts to show for it because my memory is failing me and things I watch on ESPN start fading together. Just know that a phone, be it a blackberry, iPhone or anything with the number 3 and the letter G in it, is a must. It skips the foreplay and goes straight to the phrase "game, set, match".
Emotions got the best of me and I left. I was planning on going home and calling it a night at 11:30, but after the day I had, I felt like getting fucked up was a must. I didn't get fucked up but I got out and went to some warehouse party which is in the hood. Mad old peole and mad young people. A majority of the party was spanish, so it was a split between spanish hispters and ghetto dudes. Watching the old people just minding their own business while kids a third their age were getting drunk with them. The young kids almsot seemed like kids trying to BE cool, and not just being. The old folks also seemed to try to BE young instead of just being. It was a weird mix of people, but interesting to say the least. In retrospect, I should have left earlier than I did though.
At 3am, hopefully I can finally close my eyes.
If I didn't get to sleep for 5 hours last night, it would have been a full 24 hours I was awake. I woke up with a shit ton of optimism, since school let out waking up has consisted of just wanting to get through the day. I hadn't seen Kelley in two weeks and I needed her more than a pay day, beer or a cigarette. My aunt passed away, and God bless her soul, and work for me and like everyone else in the world, is stressful. I just needed a break.
That optimism faded away quick as I was dumped, and was forced to make the drive back home in the rain, a mere couple of hours after getting to New Brunswick. Luckily Dan Fig was in town and we hit up the mall, peeped some spots and headed to Jersey City. He needed to meet his shorty in the city and I just wanted to get home. I honestly spent way too much money on unnecessary things today. The grand total would probably be about 45 bucks or something, 75 if you count the 30 I spent in the morning to get my jeans back from the tailor.
I also learned my lesson today in bar debates, not so much on "don't pull random shit out of your ass to save face", but have a smart phone. The way of the future back in the day was seen in teleportation, but scientist made it more practical and teleported shit to you, in the form of bytes. Smart phones made that accessible to you at anywhere, at any time, given the amount of service your telephone provider is giving you. No longer can there be minutes, or maybe even hours, of debating apples and oranges, phones will answer that shit for you. I got beat today, and I had no facts to show for it because my memory is failing me and things I watch on ESPN start fading together. Just know that a phone, be it a blackberry, iPhone or anything with the number 3 and the letter G in it, is a must. It skips the foreplay and goes straight to the phrase "game, set, match".
Emotions got the best of me and I left. I was planning on going home and calling it a night at 11:30, but after the day I had, I felt like getting fucked up was a must. I didn't get fucked up but I got out and went to some warehouse party which is in the hood. Mad old peole and mad young people. A majority of the party was spanish, so it was a split between spanish hispters and ghetto dudes. Watching the old people just minding their own business while kids a third their age were getting drunk with them. The young kids almsot seemed like kids trying to BE cool, and not just being. The old folks also seemed to try to BE young instead of just being. It was a weird mix of people, but interesting to say the least. In retrospect, I should have left earlier than I did though.
At 3am, hopefully I can finally close my eyes.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Timberland Steppin' It UP
The original Timberland will forever and always be a classic, like the Air Force One, Chuck Taylors or a Adidas Shell toes. No matter what kind of spin you put on it, you trace it back to it's roots and see simplicity. A work man's boot, a man's boot. Looking at their up and coming release though, I gotta admit. They went from work boots to straight up, "let me rock this at a red carpet event".
The worn out look is fresh as hell. I'm a fan for one because my boots ALWAYS fade at the heel before they do at the body, AND I'm a huge fan of vintage boots, mainly for the fact that they are already broken the fuck in, but also the outer aesthetic. But here are pix for the up and coming Timbs. Appreciate. Oh, and the best part, I'm pretty sure they will be reasonably priced, HOPEFULLY less than Redwings, and be able to be bought somewhere reasonable, Macy's and David Z.
pix courteousy of Hypebeast.

The worn out look is fresh as hell. I'm a fan for one because my boots ALWAYS fade at the heel before they do at the body, AND I'm a huge fan of vintage boots, mainly for the fact that they are already broken the fuck in, but also the outer aesthetic. But here are pix for the up and coming Timbs. Appreciate. Oh, and the best part, I'm pretty sure they will be reasonably priced, HOPEFULLY less than Redwings, and be able to be bought somewhere reasonable, Macy's and David Z.
pix courteousy of Hypebeast.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Some Sort of Mecca

I remember about 3 or 4 years ago (I know it's not a long time, but in street wear, it's ages), where I would go to this website and just look at all the things I couldn't have. There are still many, many, MANY things I can't afford on that site, but going through it and seeing what shoes have dropped in price AMAZES me. I was browsing through the Nike Skateboarding section, and was going from highest to lowest, and I saw a pair of Dunk Cali's. If memory serves me right, these were I think second generation, and one of the hottest dunks out. I remember thinking 400 dollars is a lot of money. Four hundred dollars is reasonable nowadays.
What I am getting at is that it's sad to see that such classic, simple design as the Calis are being disrespected by the mark ups of shitties, horribly designed successors. Like the "What the Dunk" dunk, is every expensive, exclusive dunk put out shat out onto one shoe. It's almost like going to a tattoo shop and seeing everything on the wall and putting it on your wall. I'll put it in the same category as Ed Hardy. It's also a shame that the Pee Wee Herman dunk costs 15 dollars more than the Gino Iannucci's. Again, if memory serves me right, the Ginos are 1st edition. They came in the regular Nike box, I think. They are simple, and look like they serve their purpose, to be skated in. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
But I guess with the death of the mark ups, its understandable why things aren't so expensive anymore. I mean unless someone REALLY wants a pair of a specific shoe, I can justify spending about $150 for it. Afterall, two pairs of Air Jordans will run you 300. That's TWO pairs.
I wish I could get to people, anyone who is looking to spend up to a bajillion dollars on a pair of sneakers, to reconsider and possibly by 5 pairs of the underappreciated sneaker in the broom closest of Flight Club. I see a pair of Eire dunks in there that I would like to wear and and tear the shit out of, but I don't think I have good experience with suede shoes, but still. I just want to dog a pair, beat the life out of it, and walk into store with them on. Dead and everything.
I guess I'll just do that to my Tiffany's
Monday, June 15, 2009
Talking about stuff I don't know about

I honestly know nothing about them other than what looks cool, what is timeless and what is retarded.
For instance, the Oakley Frogskins and Supers look cool, but because they are a take on the classic Rayban Wayfarer, they will never be timeless. Everyone knows Rayban has set the standard for sunglasses, and that Oakley is more made for sports and frat boys, and that Super, well I don't really know the origin of Supers. But yeah.
I'm not gonna lie, I used to knock of Super sunglasses for being glorified versions of those polarized lens glasses that "retro" kids wore, but after rocking them for a week, I've grown uesd to them. They don't look fake, they have a nice weight, and although not as distinguishable as the Rayban, they still look cool.
I have yet to wear a pair of Frogskins, but they look appealing, somewhat. I still envision T-Payne when i see them, and that's a good thing, but I'm not too sure. If a free pair were to come my way I'll rock 'em hardbody, but until then I'll stick to the Super sunglasses my brother left in his car, and the Rayban Wayfarers, although the 2nd edition, that my grandfather gave me.
But in all honesty, I really want a pair of Rayban Clubmasters. I know they are in and all the rage right now, but seeing it would make me feel like a Lost boy if I wore them. Not the Peter Pan lost boy, but the cool mullet, cut off shirt wearing Keifer Sutherland, Lost Boy.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Random Notes
First and foremost I want to give a shot out to Blink-182. I know they are back together, but nothing will top their first album. I listen to it during my commutes to work, while playing solitaire. It's good concentrating music. 

I will also add that after watching last night's Game 4 NBA final and how Trevor Ariza played, that this man is an idiot.

It's not even an excuse that you had an idiot running the Knick's system, he brought "enough" talent to produce something. If Ariza is smart he'll take a little less money and stay with the Lakers and grow to be Kobe's Pippen. If he's dumb, and I'm sure he is, he'll take a lot of money and be an expensive role player for a sub-500 team. Stay with purple and gold, Ariza, it suites you.

And with that, I just hope the Nets, soon to be Brooklyn Nets, dump their fat salaries (Vince Carter) and just come from behind and take LeBron. He'll will be the final stomping point on the gentrification of Brooklyn. Plus a starting nucleus of Harris, James, Yi, Boone, and Lopez ain't so bad.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Days I Don't Carry My Camera
I will try and update with pics from my phone. I realized the quality isn't the greatest but cell phone picture aesthetic is rushed and has a nice awesomeness to it. Especially when it displays a Canadian Tux.
I think Canadian Tuxes are awesome, depending on the person. Jordan, not so much. Neither is the guy I will show. You just need a certain swag for it, the right accessories and shoes. And I also thing the jacket or shirt should have a subtle difference from the pants.

He was sitting in front of me on the bus. so this is what I was able to get. I just think it's hysterical. I wish he had a bolo tie.
I think Canadian Tuxes are awesome, depending on the person. Jordan, not so much. Neither is the guy I will show. You just need a certain swag for it, the right accessories and shoes. And I also thing the jacket or shirt should have a subtle difference from the pants.

He was sitting in front of me on the bus. so this is what I was able to get. I just think it's hysterical. I wish he had a bolo tie.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
It's ON
My dad found my Denim Jacket that I got from Urban Outfitters like 5 years ago for 10 bux. I gotta get the sleeves taken up and in. The body fits perfectly, the arms make me feel like Madonna.

FINALLY GOT MYSELF A PAIR! Albeit that they are probably the cheapest Red Wings out there. It was still 100 bux off. I couldn't pass that up.
FINALLY GOT MYSELF A PAIR! Albeit that they are probably the cheapest Red Wings out there. It was still 100 bux off. I couldn't pass that up.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday Night
After a day spent in New Brunswick, Kelley and I ventured on to New Brunswick. Same scene, different house. She had never seen the inside of the house, so I gave her a tour. And now I'll give you a tour.
This is mine and Tom's room, well mainly the front half of it. When it's all said and done, I think it's going to be some sort of green color. The landlord is painting it right now, so there is like dust on the floor and paint cans in the room, and Dan has took it upon himself to use the room as his personal hamper. It's called Bed, Bath and Beyond, nigga.

This is the upstairs bathroom. The shower and sink are to the left, but I had to show you something A LOT more interesting. Look at the toilet, and now look at where the flusher is. And look at the toilet next to the toilet. It's a MOTHER FUCKING BIDAY. Holla! But as Joe said, "If it's that bad, take a shower".

Those were only the two main features of the house that was cool to take, considering that I'll spend most of my time in the two of them. The house all together is awesome though, when school starts up, people should come buy and hang out.
So at night we headed over to my aunt's, where Kelley would eventually leave, and I would fucking leave, late as fuck. Ugh. But yeah, I have plenty of guy cousins, most of whom are younger than I. As a matter of fact, I only have one cousin older than me, and two older brothers, so it's nice being in charge once in a while. But the age gap isn't too wide so we all can still have fun. The fun we concocted was the funnest.
I convinced my 17 year old cousin Loren, to put on his catcher's helmet and chest protect and let me and my other cousins hurl a tennis ball at his chest from about 15 to 20 feet away.

Action shot of Justin throwing the ball. This can give you a look at how far we actually were.

That was bound to happen.
This is mine and Tom's room, well mainly the front half of it. When it's all said and done, I think it's going to be some sort of green color. The landlord is painting it right now, so there is like dust on the floor and paint cans in the room, and Dan has took it upon himself to use the room as his personal hamper. It's called Bed, Bath and Beyond, nigga.
This is the upstairs bathroom. The shower and sink are to the left, but I had to show you something A LOT more interesting. Look at the toilet, and now look at where the flusher is. And look at the toilet next to the toilet. It's a MOTHER FUCKING BIDAY. Holla! But as Joe said, "If it's that bad, take a shower".
Those were only the two main features of the house that was cool to take, considering that I'll spend most of my time in the two of them. The house all together is awesome though, when school starts up, people should come buy and hang out.
So at night we headed over to my aunt's, where Kelley would eventually leave, and I would fucking leave, late as fuck. Ugh. But yeah, I have plenty of guy cousins, most of whom are younger than I. As a matter of fact, I only have one cousin older than me, and two older brothers, so it's nice being in charge once in a while. But the age gap isn't too wide so we all can still have fun. The fun we concocted was the funnest.
I convinced my 17 year old cousin Loren, to put on his catcher's helmet and chest protect and let me and my other cousins hurl a tennis ball at his chest from about 15 to 20 feet away.
Action shot of Justin throwing the ball. This can give you a look at how far we actually were.
That was bound to happen.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday was fun. I got out of the house early.
My grandparents came to chill for a bit. My grandma doesn't like pictures of her taken, so I took a picture of my grandpa. He's rockin' the OG STARTER Chicago Bears Cap. Illin' it.

I went to a local gallery with Kelley. Her hair matches the color pallette of the paintings. It is cute. Kelley hates pictures of her being taken toosies.

The gallery had cool pieces. The Kennedys juxtaposed next to the Obamas. James Dean waxing a car next to Kurt Cobaine holding a rifle. It was interesting that the artist gave the characters halos reminiscent of religious art, and how the background are played colors of the Virgin Mary blue. I liked this set. I need to get this artist's card.

Got some McDonald's with Kelley. We both got the new Mac Snack wrap, which I might add is MIGHTY tastey. Not some much healthy, but a big mac in a wrap at $1.50 is fucking ACE.

Oh, and watch THE HANGOVER. One of the funnier movies I have seen in my life. God it's so funny.

My grandparents came to chill for a bit. My grandma doesn't like pictures of her taken, so I took a picture of my grandpa. He's rockin' the OG STARTER Chicago Bears Cap. Illin' it.
I went to a local gallery with Kelley. Her hair matches the color pallette of the paintings. It is cute. Kelley hates pictures of her being taken toosies.
The gallery had cool pieces. The Kennedys juxtaposed next to the Obamas. James Dean waxing a car next to Kurt Cobaine holding a rifle. It was interesting that the artist gave the characters halos reminiscent of religious art, and how the background are played colors of the Virgin Mary blue. I liked this set. I need to get this artist's card.
Got some McDonald's with Kelley. We both got the new Mac Snack wrap, which I might add is MIGHTY tastey. Not some much healthy, but a big mac in a wrap at $1.50 is fucking ACE.
Oh, and watch THE HANGOVER. One of the funnier movies I have seen in my life. God it's so funny.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Pay Day
"I gotta problem wit' spendin' money before I get it"- Sir Kanye West
It's not that I SPEND my money before I get it, I don't even own a credit card, and that's a good thing. I just make a list of things to spend my money on once I get it. And because I'm trying to be more economical with my money, I've made another list of things I don't really want right now.
There is a huge difference between wanting and needing. For instance, I have many bags, book bags to be exact, so I don't really NEEd another one, I just want a new one. And by new I mean a camera bag. I mean it's not necessarily a camera bag, I think, it's an off the shoulder bag. It's a very gay way to say it, but if you see it, you'll catch my drift. So with that, I will show it to you. 

It's a two pocket bag. One main pocket at the top and a smaller side pocket in the front. It would be alot easier to carry my camera in this, along with a flash, some batteries and my external hard drive. I mean the bag I use now is cool and all but I feel like shit gets bumped and rattled in there all the time. Not good for my camera. At all.
A second thing I want but don't NEED is a camera flash. I use one. It's a canon flash. One from the 80's. On m NIKON. I mean, it's good and all, but the thing is about as heavy as my camera, and uses 4 AA batteries. Batteries are fucking expensive, and I need something economical. How about a Nikon SB-400? Small and light-weight and uses on 2 AA batteries. Doesn't get any more economical than that. And with the deal Adorama has I can get that flash, with a diffuser, and 4 rechargeable batteries for 130 dollars. Can't really complain. I mean, I have yet to test the flash out, and I really don't like buying things unless I can test out, but 114 dollar flash, is alot better than spending 200 dollars for a Nikon version of the flash I have now. 

And the third thing is another tattoo. I've been working on this 3/4, half, wahtever you want to call it, sleeve, for three years now. I mean people bang out half sleeves in month or so, but since mine is patch work, each piece is thought out or not thought at all. Considering it will be on me forever, it would be the wisest choice, but in terms of function, it has nothing tangible besides looking cool. It is going to be my mother's maiden name on my shoulder. The meaning and thought were basically put into my DNA when I was conceived, so it would be like scratching out the skin to just show it. It would be the cheapest. Hrm. I don't know.
But yeah, those are the three main things I want as of now. The rest is just like more camera shit (a lens) and bike shit, for a bike I have still yet to learn how to properly ride. And by ride I mean use the breaks, and by breaks I mean skid stop. I know how to ride a fucking bike.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wall-E Ending Credits
Probably the best ending credits to a movie I've seen ever. A look at art history. From Neolithic to about the Impressionism age. It was only fitting that they added a super awesome ending credit scene to a super awesome movie.
Mac Snack Wrap
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Rodney Harrison Retires
I know the dude has the rep for being the dirtiest player in the league, and he might be loved by many New Englanders and considered one of the greatest safeties to play the game with a 30 sack, 30 INT record, but what New Yorkers will remember him for is this.

The Helmet Catch. 'Nough said. Shit like that isn't supposed to happen. It's like getting dunked on. It's like getting your shot blocked. But worst of all, you got played out by the 4th or 5th string WR, while you're playing with the the best team the NFL has probably ever seen. Oh and you lose.
Sorry Harrison, as good as you were, I'll always remember you for this.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Worky Work
That's one of my views from work. This place has a few windows so I chose that corner, only because it seemed the safest.
I'm starting my third week of work and so far I can say my summer has started out really busy. Mighty Healthy is dope as fuck, the guys here are dope, and American Apparel is no sweat. I feel like I'm doing this in my sleep. Speaking of sleep. I get none. It sucks.
I have to bring a check to New Brunswick. Move my shit in there and call it a day. Pay day is Friday and what I really need is a camera bag. I think I need that the most on top of anything else really. I gotta stop loading my shit into my back pack. I should go find out how much that is. I think like $64. Idk.
I have nothing else to talk about right now.
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