It's not that I SPEND my money before I get it, I don't even own a credit card, and that's a good thing. I just make a list of things to spend my money on once I get it. And because I'm trying to be more economical with my money, I've made another list of things I don't really want right now.
There is a huge difference between wanting and needing. For instance, I have many bags, book bags to be exact, so I don't really NEEd another one, I just want a new one. And by new I mean a camera bag. I mean it's not necessarily a camera bag, I think, it's an off the shoulder bag. It's a very gay way to say it, but if you see it, you'll catch my drift. So with that, I will show it to you. 

It's a two pocket bag. One main pocket at the top and a smaller side pocket in the front. It would be alot easier to carry my camera in this, along with a flash, some batteries and my external hard drive. I mean the bag I use now is cool and all but I feel like shit gets bumped and rattled in there all the time. Not good for my camera. At all.
A second thing I want but don't NEED is a camera flash. I use one. It's a canon flash. One from the 80's. On m NIKON. I mean, it's good and all, but the thing is about as heavy as my camera, and uses 4 AA batteries. Batteries are fucking expensive, and I need something economical. How about a Nikon SB-400? Small and light-weight and uses on 2 AA batteries. Doesn't get any more economical than that. And with the deal Adorama has I can get that flash, with a diffuser, and 4 rechargeable batteries for 130 dollars. Can't really complain. I mean, I have yet to test the flash out, and I really don't like buying things unless I can test out, but 114 dollar flash, is alot better than spending 200 dollars for a Nikon version of the flash I have now. 

And the third thing is another tattoo. I've been working on this 3/4, half, wahtever you want to call it, sleeve, for three years now. I mean people bang out half sleeves in month or so, but since mine is patch work, each piece is thought out or not thought at all. Considering it will be on me forever, it would be the wisest choice, but in terms of function, it has nothing tangible besides looking cool. It is going to be my mother's maiden name on my shoulder. The meaning and thought were basically put into my DNA when I was conceived, so it would be like scratching out the skin to just show it. It would be the cheapest. Hrm. I don't know.
But yeah, those are the three main things I want as of now. The rest is just like more camera shit (a lens) and bike shit, for a bike I have still yet to learn how to properly ride. And by ride I mean use the breaks, and by breaks I mean skid stop. I know how to ride a fucking bike.
the sb-400 is half decent.
eats the battery fast as shit though.
it's out after a few hours ... but that might just be because i have the tendency to leave it on by accident.
but it's super lightweight and despite its small size, it's got a lot of power. it's a good investment and way more practical than paying more than double the price of the 400 for the sb-800 or sb-900.
That sounds like a great flash. I have gone without one simply because of exorbitant prices for something that may or may not improve the quality of photographing. Go for it!
I've been resorting to creative adaptations of the built-in flash. Using an old fujifilm roll container which I cut to fit on the pop-up flash, with light gel samples that I can slide in, to change the color of the flash and diffuse at the same time. It's a neat gimmick. Otherwise, I try shit like tinted glass or shoot the flash through variously dense beers (my god, the variety in Berlin is outstanding!) to get cool light-bending color-shifting effects.
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