
I honestly know nothing about them other than what looks cool, what is timeless and what is retarded.
For instance, the Oakley Frogskins and Supers look cool, but because they are a take on the classic Rayban Wayfarer, they will never be timeless. Everyone knows Rayban has set the standard for sunglasses, and that Oakley is more made for sports and frat boys, and that Super, well I don't really know the origin of Supers. But yeah.
I'm not gonna lie, I used to knock of Super sunglasses for being glorified versions of those polarized lens glasses that "retro" kids wore, but after rocking them for a week, I've grown uesd to them. They don't look fake, they have a nice weight, and although not as distinguishable as the Rayban, they still look cool.
I have yet to wear a pair of Frogskins, but they look appealing, somewhat. I still envision T-Payne when i see them, and that's a good thing, but I'm not too sure. If a free pair were to come my way I'll rock 'em hardbody, but until then I'll stick to the Super sunglasses my brother left in his car, and the Rayban Wayfarers, although the 2nd edition, that my grandfather gave me.
But in all honesty, I really want a pair of Rayban Clubmasters. I know they are in and all the rage right now, but seeing it would make me feel like a Lost boy if I wore them. Not the Peter Pan lost boy, but the cool mullet, cut off shirt wearing Keifer Sutherland, Lost Boy.
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