This is mine and Tom's room, well mainly the front half of it. When it's all said and done, I think it's going to be some sort of green color. The landlord is painting it right now, so there is like dust on the floor and paint cans in the room, and Dan has took it upon himself to use the room as his personal hamper. It's called Bed, Bath and Beyond, nigga.
This is the upstairs bathroom. The shower and sink are to the left, but I had to show you something A LOT more interesting. Look at the toilet, and now look at where the flusher is. And look at the toilet next to the toilet. It's a MOTHER FUCKING BIDAY. Holla! But as Joe said, "If it's that bad, take a shower".
Those were only the two main features of the house that was cool to take, considering that I'll spend most of my time in the two of them. The house all together is awesome though, when school starts up, people should come buy and hang out.
So at night we headed over to my aunt's, where Kelley would eventually leave, and I would fucking leave, late as fuck. Ugh. But yeah, I have plenty of guy cousins, most of whom are younger than I. As a matter of fact, I only have one cousin older than me, and two older brothers, so it's nice being in charge once in a while. But the age gap isn't too wide so we all can still have fun. The fun we concocted was the funnest.
I convinced my 17 year old cousin Loren, to put on his catcher's helmet and chest protect and let me and my other cousins hurl a tennis ball at his chest from about 15 to 20 feet away.
Action shot of Justin throwing the ball. This can give you a look at how far we actually were.
That was bound to happen.
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