My grandparents came to chill for a bit. My grandma doesn't like pictures of her taken, so I took a picture of my grandpa. He's rockin' the OG STARTER Chicago Bears Cap. Illin' it.
I went to a local gallery with Kelley. Her hair matches the color pallette of the paintings. It is cute. Kelley hates pictures of her being taken toosies.
The gallery had cool pieces. The Kennedys juxtaposed next to the Obamas. James Dean waxing a car next to Kurt Cobaine holding a rifle. It was interesting that the artist gave the characters halos reminiscent of religious art, and how the background are played colors of the Virgin Mary blue. I liked this set. I need to get this artist's card.
Got some McDonald's with Kelley. We both got the new Mac Snack wrap, which I might add is MIGHTY tastey. Not some much healthy, but a big mac in a wrap at $1.50 is fucking ACE.
Oh, and watch THE HANGOVER. One of the funnier movies I have seen in my life. God it's so funny.

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